Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
46021 Mathematical modelling, 5ème Vienna Symposium
685769 Mathematics 2227-7390 MDPI
832375 Mathematics MDPI
120994 Mathematics Letters Science Publishing Group
614768 Mathematics Open 2811-0072 Worldscientific
30826 Mathematics Research Letters
603922 Mathematics Research Reports 2772-9559
117843 Mathematics Subject Classification
135275 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
131227 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J62
87499 Mathematics and Computation in Music. Third International Conference MCM 2011
99565 Mathematics and Computer Science III
117091 Mathematics and Financial Economics
69792 Mathematics and Social Sciences
71889 Mathematics and Statistics
805284 Mathematics for Computation World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
82620 Mathematics in Industry 1612-3956 Springer
159598 Mathematics in the Visual Arts ISTE-WILEY Ltd
146100 Mathematics of Computations
860405 Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies 1913-4967
162861 Mathematika
115338 Mathematique Informatique et Sciences Humaines
28910 Mathematisch Zeitschrift
851125 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1432-1815
53050 Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
45847 Mathematisches Forschungsintitut - Oberwolfach Reports
29841 Mathematitcheskyie Zametki
32338 Mathesis e Memoria. Studi in memoria di Marcello Gigante
58725 Mathl. Comput. Modelling
111743 Maths Express au carrefour des cultures Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques
134283 Mathware & Soft Computing Magazine 1989-533X
93127 MathémaTICE Les nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement des mathématiques
26023 Mathémathiques et Sciences humaines Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales (EHESS)
56381 Mathématique Informatique et Sciences Humaines
118584 Mathématique et pédagogie Société belge des professeurs de mathématiques d'expression française
32974 Mathématiques & Applications
179180 Mathématiques appliquées : déterministes et stochastiques 2514-5703 ISTE Editions
142937 Mathématiques appliquées : déterministes et stochastiques ISTE Open Science
157646 Matière Première, Revue d'Épistémologie
154195 Matière divisée
29666 Matière et figure
52233 Matière première
84661 Matière première. Revue d'épistémologie et d'études matérialistes
119285 Matières 1422-3449 PPUR presses polytechniques
539221 Matières
550661 Matraga - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UERJ 1414-7165
137596 Matraga. Estudos Linguisticos e Literarios 2446-6905 Instituto de Letras da UERJ
47780 Matrerials Science and Engineering A
99806 Matrix
153393 Matrix 0934-8832
99768 Matrix Biol
158863 Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology
749479 Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology 1569-1802
175326 Matrix: A Journal for Matricultural Studies 2563-3392 Network on culture
166854 Matsugaoka Bunko Kenkyū Nenpō Matsugaoka Bunko
687935 Matter Radiat.Extremes
699853 Matter and Life in Coleridge, Schelling, and Other Dynamical Idealists: Living Ideas, 0066-6610
170236 Matter. Journal of New Materialist Research
146030 Matters 2297-8240 Science Matters
136406 Maturitas
81921 Maturitas
154697 Matéria (Rio de Janeiro)
140402 Matérialismes
26116 Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques
98151 Matériaux Orthoptériques et Entomocénotiques 1764-6308 ASCETE
59168 Matériaux arabes et sud-arabiques
59555 Matériaux arabes et sudarabiques (GELLAS)
523742 Matériaux fonctionnels - Matériaux biosourcés
176746 Matériaux orthoptériques et entomocénotiques
35407 Matériaux pour l'étude de la religion chinoise – Sanjiao wenxian
33425 Matériaux pour une sociologie de l'individu
124730 Matériaux | Etudes et propiétés des métaux Techniques de l'ingénieur
174694 Matériel et Paysage
105339 Mauritian Journal of International Humanitarian Law
500843 Mauritius Institute Bulletin
398901 Maux d'exil : la lettre du Comede 1959-4143 Comede
155713 Mavcor Journal 2475-2428 Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of Religion at Yale University
153182 Max
77981 Max Weber Lestures Series
207956 Max Weber Studies
685801 MaxEnt 2022
857915 Maximilian Kolbe Stiftung Online
85334 Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, A.M. Djafari and G. Demoment, Eds, Kluwer Academic Pulishers, 1993
130225 Mayab 1130-6157 Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas
24984 Mayab
119083 Maydica
33496 Mayenne : Archéologie, Histoire
148326 Mayibuye African national congress
134147 Mayotte Hebdo
162682 Mazowsze Studia Regionalne 1689-4774 Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
861336 Mazzochioo Architecture Magazine
102397 Maîtrise orthopédique 1148-2362 Maîtrise orthopédique
32627 Maïmonide, philosophe et savant, (1138-1204)
137454 Mağallat Mağma’ Allughah Al ‘Arabiyyah ‘ala Al Shabakah Al ‘Alamiyyah 1658-6530 Saudi Online Academy of Arabic Language
486035 Mały Format
180283 Mbongui 2075-5228 Université Marien Ngouabi, Congo
632734 Mc Gill Journal of Education
179220 McGill Family Medicine Studies Online 1911-0529
358569 McGill GLSA Research Series 2564-3843
110564 McGill Working Papers in Linguistics (McGWPL)
57389 Mcromolecules
126601 Me cayó el veinte, n° 8, Revista de psicoanálisis, Mexico
152211 Me no me 目の眼 / Mind’s Eye Monthly Art Magazine 0386-1481
115953 Mea Libra
176878 Meandar Media
59576 Measina A Samoa 2003 & 2005
150147 Measur.Sci.Tech
113763 Measure - The journal of measurement Science
168957 Measurement Science & Technology
143869 Measurement Science and Technology
65889 Measurement Sience and Technology
87248 Measurement and Control
169081 Measurement and Control (United Kingdom) 0020-2940
100620 Measurement of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine
884122 Measurement science technology
174758 Measurement: Sensors 2665-9174
57683 Measurment : journal of the international measurment confederation
103718 Meat Research
66572 Meat Sci
334384 Meat Technology 2466-4812
160352 Meat and Muscle Biology
154281 Meat automation
71685 Mecamat2012
33032 Mecanobiologia e Fluxo Sanguineo
89986 Mecatronica
124723 Mecatronica, Journal of Romanian Society of Mecatronics 1583-7653 Romanian Society of Mecatronics
129208 Meccanica
135071 Meccanica 1572-9648
129614 Mech Ageing Dev
27572 Mech Dev
33891 Mech. Dev
151176 Mechademia: Second Arc 1934-2489
885746 Mechane
124519 Mechanical Engineering
147364 Mechanical Engineering Journal
103689 Mechanical Engineering Letters
117059 Mechanical Engineering Reviews
105165 Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal
151865 Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal (MEIJ) 2349-2651
94988 Mechanical behaviour of adhesive joints
170647 Mechanical engineering 1729-4959 KINPATRI LTD
103924 Mechanical properties, microstructure and crystallographic texture of magnesium AZ91-D alloy welded by Friction Stir Welding (FSW)
69277 Mechanical research communications
64299 MechanicalSystemsandSignalProcessing
170479 Mechanics & Industry
174672 Mechanics Research Communications
142524 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
778286 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 1537-6532
149679 Mechanics of Fibrous Materials and Applications
82850 Mechanics of Solids
132698 Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
57122 Mechanics research comunications
115423 Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering
107858 Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering Journal 2412-5954 Magnolithe
116104 Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering MMSE Journal. Open Access
106205 Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering
101932 Mechanika Teoretyczna I, Stosowana
491292 Mechanism and Machine Theory
57717 Mechanism and machine
121227 Mechanisms of Development
32657 Mechanisms of development
528723 Mechanisms of development 1872-6356
149315 Mechatronic Systems and Control 2561-178X
131467 Mechatronic Systems: Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Mechatronic Systems JSM’2014
87764 Mecosan (Italian Quarterly of Health Care Management, Economics & Policy)
168598 Mecánica Computacional
597229 Med (N Y)
49150 Med 2007
37518 Med Biol Eng Comput
78456 Med Biol Eng Comput
82915 Med Chem
82066 Med Chir Dig
182093 Med Devices (Auckl) / Medical devices (Auckland, N.Z.) - Medical devices : evidence and research 1179-1470 [Auckland, N.Z.] : Dove Medical Press
74612 Med Educ
44528 Med Eng Phys
73635 Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Springer
35404 Med Immunol
27972 Med Mal Infect
36756 Med Mal Infect
28137 Med Res Rev
130389 Med Sci
120389 Med Sci (Paris)
780860 Med Teach 0142-159x
75542 Med-Hoc-Net '12 : 11th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
25128 Med. Bio. Eng. Comput
50567 Med. Biol. Eng. & Comput
75813 Med. Chem
70087 Med. Chem. Commun
80161 Med. Chem. Commun., 2012, 3, 1531-1535
68921 Med. Chem. Res
51018 Med. Chem. Rev
51914 Med. Eng. Phys
50779 Med. Image Comput. Assist. Interv
149539 Med. Intensive Reanim
143947 Med. Nucl
55077 Med. Res. Rev
163400 Med.Phys
124637 MedChemComm
607435 MedComm – Oncology 2769-6448
150386 MedInfo